Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Honkers-Kiwi-Aussie Tour: Day 40 Lamma Island, Hong Kong

Enjoyed a leisurely coffee and croissant while watching the early morning commuters hustle to catch the ferry to Central. I was fascinated by the variety of small crabs scuttling and battling each other on the beach.

Pleasantly, there are no cars on Lamma Island, only small open-cabbed trucks referred to as "village vehicles".

"Yung Shue Wan (Banyan Bay) is the most populated area on Lamma Island. Several decades ago, it was the center of the plastics industry. The factories have now been replaced by seafood restaurants, pubs, grocery stores and shops which sell oriental and Indian-style handicrafts, environmentally friendly products, clothing, homewear and art. The area has become popular among young people and expatriates owing to the low rent and peaceful setting." Source:

Chow Yun-Fat, a well-known actor [who portrays Captain Sao Feng in "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"], grew up on the island in the village of Tung O in Yung Shue Wan. His family still operates a seafood/pigeon restaurant called "Shau Kee" in the main village. I took a photo of his plaque on the "Avenue of the Stars" in Kowloon earlier in our trip.

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