After an excellent scrambled egg breakfast at a gas station restaurant, we hit the highway for Atherton.
Stopped at Ravenshoe and chatted with Grahame West at the Ravenshoe Railway where they are busily preparing for the launch of their tourist season at Easter time. "In 1990, a group of steam railway enthusiasts formed RailCo to begin operating a 1925 D17 Ipswich-made Tank Engine they’d restored on the 100 year old Ravenshoe to Tumoulin line." It was named “Capella” after the town near Brisbane where it had stood idle for 25 years. Capella’s carriages, mostly made from cedar, are from the 1930’s “Sunshine Express” which ran on the main line from Brisbane to Cairns."
Booked into the Hinterland Motel in Atherton, which is under new management. The service was wonderful and the rooms have been updated with new tvs etc. Drove down to Platypus Park to view local wild life. There were many ducks, turtles and yes a platypus or two in the pond.
Picked up a pizz and some cold drinks and chilled in our motel room watching hit Aussie gameshow "The Rich List"on tv.
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