Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Honkers-Kiwi-Aussie Tour: Day 21 Melbourne, Victoria, Au

To Belgrave for a half-day trip on the Puffing Billy steam train: "The railway was originally one of four experimental narrow gauge lines of the Victorian Railways opened around the beginning of the 20th century. It runs through the southern foothills of the Dandenong Ranges to Gembrook. Being close to the city of Melbourne and with a post-preservation history spanning over 50 years, the line is one of the best known preserved railways in the world, and attracts tourists from all over Australia and overseas". Source: . We bring a picnic lunch and enjoy watching the birds, including a very friendly pukeko at Lakeside. A flock of gallahs have a loud conversation in a nearby tree. All in all - a grand day out.
After a quick freshen up we're off to John & De's for a lovely dinner. De explains that dozens of flying foxes swoop over their house daily at dusk to gorge on Moreton Bay Figs in a nearby park. As we leave to go back to our hotel, De gives us a very ripe pear to feed the possums in the same park. I was thrilled to see the large fruit bats in the trees and to feed the possums by hand.

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